Saturday, January 16, 2010

Fire Equipment Suppliers Is The Landlord Of A Single Family Home Supposed To Provide Fire Safety Equipment In Georgia?

Is the landlord of a single family home supposed to provide fire safety equipment in Georgia? - fire equipment suppliers

I moved into this house in Georgia. How do I know if the owner of the house with fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors must. Furthermore, as many of them will be at home.


--- said...

The fire extinguisher is not required. The same with carbon monoxide detectors. For smoke detectors, which depends on the age of the house and you rent where you live in Georgia.

... Georgia law (OCGA § 25-2-40) has a smoke detector battery is allowed in any house, apartment, condo, townhouse is necessary and before 1 July 1987. The smoke detector is located in the ceiling or wall at a point on the floor or in other areas, the access is used on each group of rooms for sleeping. If the house has more than one story, detectors are required on every story, including the basement and cellar, but not including uninhabitable attics. The detectors must be registered and meet the requirements of the NFPA installation 72nd The law will be enforced by local building officials and fire codes. Tenants are required to maintain the smoke detectors in good condition '

For the real estate after 1 Built in July 1987:
"Only if the municipality or city where you live has a building or housing code requires that evFYR of real estate after 1 July 1987 has built a smoke detector. Not all counties and cities have building codes. To determine whether your local code requires smoke detectors, provided by your fire chief, the local administration or execution of code. "

kristy M said...

Check the laws of your first lease, but generally, if not in a complex but not the obligation, to have these things. Commercial and residential family attached (duplex,) have a complex event, as a rule these things ... But you know what to buy a smoke detector and fire extinguisher m carbon, if you feel better and take it with you when you go!

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