Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lice Treatment W/olive Oil Where Can I Find Very Strong Lice Treatment?

Where can I find very strong Lice Treatment? - lice treatment w/olive oil

I have the same RID and tries to get rid of the lice. Do you know where the lice treatments that are more to be found?


soulrout... said...

For the problem of head lice, wash their hair with vinegar. It will kill all the nits in two days. Apply coconut oil on his head after shampoo and condition. Add ten to fifteen drops of tea tree oil into the bottle of shampoo and use daily. Rub Listerine mouth wash on your head. This will kill all the lice. Massage head with mayonnaise and comb for 2 hours. This will kill all lice and their eggs. Apply a mixture of lemon and butter on his head, wait 15 seconds, then rinse your head.

First step:

Before beginning the treatment of head lice from an infected person, make sure you work in an area which is carpeted, preferably a bathroom with tiled floor. Make sure that no carpet on the floor, towels or clothing around (to MAKand last a paradise for lice and nits, whose houses are).

Preferable to the shirt or clothing in the vicinity of the cleaning will remove them. If long hair is infected, it may make sense to tie her hair are easily infected at the top of the head, either with clips or a ponytail. Lice are trying to run and flee the area to be treated if they sense danger, and reduce their escape routes. They hide in or behind the ears or neck. Dip a cotton cleaning fluid for cleaning the ears safely and then paint a ring around the outside of the ears and the hairline on the head.

On a dry head, start at the neck along the hairline and some work around her head, her hair, as you saturate a step towards the crown when the hair is attached. Or deletingE-clips or ponytail and head lice continues to apply with a clean enough to fully saturate the hair.

Head massage and lather then comb through the hair, ensuring the supply (use a metal, a regular comb). Wrap or tie the hair back to the top of the head. Every ten minutes, massage the hair until 30 or 40 minutes have passed.

Apply vacuum foam and then comb through my hair again (with a metal comb teeth regularly). Let stand, rinse in your hair for 20 minutes, then thoroughly.

After dry hair and comb () with a comb to remove lice or nits that remain. The nit "applicant" should be carried out during the day, if possible, and never on the carpet. Clean all surfaces and floors after working in the hair. Use hot water from anon-toxic cleaning fluid. It is imperative that the head is carefully examined for nits.

Second stage:

Lice are very contagious and it is very important, as quickly and as completely as possible, eliminated. Sanitation something is in contact with head lice is essential to ensure the reintegration infestation does not occur.

If the first aphids were found, it is important that the money in a completely separate store, with whom the infected person comes into contact. We do not recommend the use of non-toxic solution for the washing process. Do not dry clean or bleach to use.

(Bedding (including pillows), jackets and hinder all women who may be hung next to the mantle of the infected person), clothing (in particular)Combs, brushes, ribbons, and gossip, rugs and mats should be washed in hot water at least 140 degrees. It is best to enjoy the clothing in the "pre-network" or "pre-washed" at least 30 minutes.

The non-washable items like stuffed animals and pillows of the sofa can be placed in a closed inflatable plastic bag and sealed for 30 days, thereby suffocating the lice. Carpets, furniture and car seats should be cleaned twice. After each aspiration, empty bags must be immediately withdrawn from the vacuum in a sealed plastic bag and discarded outside the home. After vacuuming should be steam cleaned in these areas if possible.

TJDAVILL... said...

Use mayonnaise ...... saturate the hair with a plastic bag for a few hours. But make sure you comb afterwards.Sounds fun, but I assure you that works.It smother eggs and kill the bugs.

never again said...

Mexicans head shaved. Their bedding is contaminated and so on. Sometimes they throw in the sun. Sha, how it works.

dolphin2... said...

Try the pharmacy. Ask the pharmacist.

shrutiki... said...

dragonsa... said...

We had the same problem with my daughter, we use the best of what was available, no real results ..... I make that the naked and cover your hair and scalp, then a shower cap put on them. He wore for 6 hours, then rinsed and they were not concerned about the lice again.

blue said...

Only lice?

Warrior said...

If you do not want to shave his head ...
Permethrin is a long term ... But they must ask for a second until 7 to 10 days.

Pinolera said...

Ask your pharmacist.

Jessi said...

The best for lice shaved head ... People ... effective way is the only 100% trying to get rid of lice

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